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Sponsors & CROs

   At CARIMER, our top priority is the patient.  This not only means that we strictly adhere to protocol guidelines; it also means that we constantly seek patients.  We know how much a trial can benefit the patient and we desire to be able to present our patients with every opportunity possible. 


  The vast majority of our physicians are fluent in multiple languages, including English and Spanish.  Our physicians know the best ways to obtain patients and can provide an approximation of how many patients they serve with the condition that your study requires.  The physicians that work with us have a variety of specialties and sub-specialties. 


  CARIMER’s administrative staff has experience working with both CROs and Sponsors in accomplishing their goals.  We have streamlined processes and are extremely efficient at determining the feasibility of the study as well as study-start up, maintenance, and close-out.  We also have an expedited process by which we complete regulatory documents, including any necessary for the Ethical Review Boards.   To learn more about how our administrative staff and physicians can assist you with your study contact us.    

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